I request my ban to be removed. Someone was trolling the channel, and I swore at him. Because at that time a lot of people were trolling the channel and I was angry. About 5 months have passed since the incident. I am not a bad person, I think I also suffered my punishment. I even had a lot of Portuguese friends there. Please request my ban. I apologize if I am wrong, I will never swear again.
ALL BAN APPEALS HAVE BEEN MOVED TO https://discord.gg/YseSNsz6vm
Ban appeals posted on this forum/website will be disregarded from now on. Thank you!
Appeal for Oguzhan#1372
Appeal for Oguzhan#1372
Re: Appeal for Oguzhan#5914
Please reply with your Discord USER ID. Your username has changed or is not banned in our system.
https://support.discord.com/hc/tr/artic ... n-Bulurum-
Thank you!
Re: Appeal for Oguzhan#1372
This is my user ID 840680408026447903.
Re: Appeal for Oguzhan#1372
The user id you have provided is not banned on our server.
Re: Appeal for Oguzhan#1372
The accounts I entered with my phone number seem to be banned.
Re: Appeal for Oguzhan#1372
Seems like the problem is between you and Discord.
You can contact them here: https://support-dev.discord.com/hc/en-us/requests/new