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Ban appeal please read this

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Joined: Sun Feb 07, 2021 2:58 pm

Ban appeal please read this

Post by PajiiPa » Tue Feb 09, 2021 1:37 pm

User ID and banned username: PajiiPa#4584
First of all, I apologize for opening and writing the title again, but please read and review this.
We were talking with a couple of friends on the other languages ​​channel.The person who complained about me got angry at me even though I just wanted to help even though there was nothing.If you search for "caniyim'' or "Kafana vururn senin" "çekiçle vururum", you will find her messages.They mean "I am a traitor", "I will hit you in the head" "I will hit you with a hammer" in Turkish. Is it normal for someone to write me these?
It was a joke I made when I made a non-man list. Also, 4 of the 5 people on the list were my friends. Just, She wasn't my friend who caused me to be banned. I wanted to joke with her too because she broke my heart and yes she was not a man.Please see my other posts on the server I didn't humiliate or mock anyone. Even if there were a lot of people swearing on that channel, I always spoke properly.
Please open my ban because I am wrongfully banned.I was also insulted and I never really had bad intentions.Sorry again, forgive me. I just want to practice on the server.
You can be sure that I will never do anything like this again. Thank you...

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Re: Ban appeal please read this

Post by Ice » Tue Feb 09, 2021 9:43 pm

You appeal was denied and closed. Please do not reopen new topics.
