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Old Appeals Thread

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Re: Appeals

Post by mobbyn » Sun Mar 15, 2020 1:55 pm

User ID and banned username: astro#3004 (back then it was la flame#8379)

Ban reason: Toxicity and repeated behaviour

I understand that if I receive another infraction after my unban, I may be banned again permanently with no chance of appeal.

Notes: I got banned twice, which makes it a permanent ban, but I think it's a stupid rule, especially in my case. Just think of it, why would I want to get unbanned so much if I could just make a new account and join the server using VPN, but I haven't.
My second, and permanent ban was on Sep 25th of 2019, I got banned because I told an admin not to abuse his power. Just give me one last chance and I promise I won't ever repeat that behavior as my intentions always were to improve my English, and not to troll.

Off the goop
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Re: Appeals

Post by Off the goop » Sun Mar 15, 2020 11:02 pm

User ID and banned username: 474729527357079592 and off the goop ᴮᴼᵀ

Ban reason: banned for being loud, insulting, excessive language, being annoying, and multiple infractions

I understand that if I receive another infraction after my unban, I may be banned again permanently with no chance of appeal.

Notes: 2 days before my ban I was muted for posting fake selfies/memes and was told, if I get another fraction or were to be muted I would be banned which I agreed to. On the day of my ban I did insult someone saying dip shit and another saying fuck off. Now, I never say these things seriously I’m just joking and not everyone knows that I’m joking especially since it’s through messages and I never tell them I’m joking. I have also insulted other people before multiple times and have been warned. I was told by one of the mods to stop multiple times and not even mods also, by regular people. After I said dipshit I was privately messaged by one of the mods to stop and I agreed but kept doing it. I do accept my punishment but would like to be given one more chance and if you do accept and I do it again I fully accept my punishment but, if u do not accept I understand.

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Re: Appeals

Post by coffeedrinker » Mon Mar 16, 2020 2:37 pm

User ID and banned username: Coffeedrinker#8593

Ban reason: calling turkish guy a terrorirst and then DM him bad words.

I know and understand that I went too far with trolling a guy from turkey and using slur words to offend him, I believe i was banned 3 months ago but this is my 1st appeal. if it's possible to get unbanned or speak to a mod would be nice.

Notes: I got muted several times for being disrespectful to some people, I'd like to say that these months I changed, and it is quite depressing being at home because of corona virus, it would be nice to be welcome to the English community again

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Re: Appeals

Post by Mellowdash » Wed Mar 18, 2020 7:34 pm

USER ID:#0847
NICK: Mellowdash
Yesterday I joined to “English” server. I joined here to improve my english. Today, I joined a room. I was talking with others. Suddenly, -I guess- I have banned. I couldn’t join any room. There are only two text rooms now. Really I dont understand what happened. Please help me. I want only improve my english. Thanks. :)

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Re: Appeals

Post by LySSyj » Thu Mar 19, 2020 2:56 pm


You were banned by Oracle. Reason: advertising.

Might I ask unban me?

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Re: Appeals

Post by Mellowdash » Thu Mar 19, 2020 4:47 pm

Mellowdash wrote:
Wed Mar 18, 2020 7:34 pm

USER ID:#0847
NICK: Mellowdash
Yesterday I joined to “English” server. I joined here to improve my english. Today, I joined a room. I was talking with others. Suddenly, -I guess- I have banned. I couldn’t join any room. There are only two text rooms now. Really I dont understand what happened. Please help me. I want only improve my english. Thanks. :)
I don't know why I have banned.

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Re: Appeals

Post by ElonMusk » Fri Mar 20, 2020 12:45 am

User ID and banned username: ElonMusk#8150

Code: Select all

Ban reason: Advertising

I understand that if I receive another infraction after my unban, I may be banned again permanently with no chance of appeal.

Notes: I was talking with Orezia which I can't remember if I met on this server or another one but I simply asked if she would like to join my server. She said no so I didn't sent an invite link to her, or anyone else for that matter, but I was banned anyway.
Helen is hotte
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Re: Appeals

Post by Helen is hotte » Wed Mar 25, 2020 6:54 pm

ID = 476841071737831434
USERNAME = Tea is wetter than coffee#8071
ALT ACCOUNT ID:467102353485725706

I understand that if I receive another infraction after my unban, I may be banned again permanently with no chance of appeal.

Basically i got muted because i was impersonating both Akash and Zodurus. I got pissed and thought "hmm, i'ma leave" ( i like being dramatic),i didn't know that if i left while i was muted i'd get banned. I'm very sorry for impersonating them. please unban me. ( i impersonated Akash in an alt account, but this account got banned by Thusky)

Last edited by Helen is hotte on Mon Mar 30, 2020 8:34 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Appeals

Post by Jenah » Wed Mar 25, 2020 11:37 pm

user ID : 303269174371942400
Ban reason: advertising in DMs

at first i didn't understand why i was banned since i wasn't sending people Dm to join my server, i only shared it with people i had on friend request and some of those that i sopken to before. i didn't go to every server i had advertising my server so i was really shocked why did i get banned, but then a friend of mine told me he got a message from someone we both knoww saying that he got an "EX-mod" from the Everyday language server banned on the English and the E-d-g-y discord server, he's name is :HetOranjeBeest#5218 user iD: 518145355121164308, i knew the guy before we used to talk in VCs in Everydaylanguages before i got banend from there, and when he recieved my invite he went and reported me on both server and got me banned. i can ask my friend to send me a screenshot of the DM where he said he reproted me on those servers (where i didn't advertise at all on them) just to get me banned for no reason.
i hope you read my message and give me a chance to join the server again since i like using it from time to time to talk to people i know there. (for some reason i get this error wheven i try to upload the screenshiot:Could not upload attachment to ./files/190_2cc30f6b81dd35445944a919cdaecf42. you can send it on Dms ).

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Re: Appeals

Post by Captain » Thu Mar 26, 2020 1:12 am

Eliseo wrote:
Sat Mar 14, 2020 8:00 pm

User ID : #3428

Banned Username : ManwhoLoveArabiCulture#3428

Ban reason: Maximum infraction count.

I understand that if I receive another infraction after my unban, I may be banned again permanently with no chance of appeal.

Notes: I truly respect this website and I appreciate the opportunity to appeal. I would like to say that sometimes when I'm in the chat I like to put just for a few seconds some music just that. I understand that some members don't like and I respect that. I want to say I respect all the rules and I would like to have the opportunity to back back to the chat to improve my English conversation. Thank you for your time and I apologize for Maximum infraction count. Thank you for your time


The administration has reviewed your ban appeal in full detail and has decided to allow you back into the server. Please note that your next infraction, regardless of severity, may result in a permanent expulsion from the server with no chance of appeal.

Welcome back,
