My second ban appeal

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My second ban appeal

Post by Stipendi » Tue Feb 22, 2022 3:58 pm

I sent my other ban appeal a long time ago when I was a bit drunk, and I think that's why I struggled to express myself clearly. I know that I don't deserve another appeal, but this might be my last chance of ever getting back on the server, so I hope you'll understand.

I was banned for being unnecessarily explicit in the #discussion-and-politics channel when talking about matters regarding human sexuality. It is important to note that I had a long list of minor infractions at that point so it is understandable that it was concluded that I was causing way too much trouble and hassle in general.

I promise that I would never go off-topic in any of the channels ever again. I would not address my personal life at all, in any channel, so as to avoid derailing the conversation. I promise that I would never cause any sort of inconvenience ever again and if I did, I would be okay with being permanently banned. I was a member of the server since pretty much the very beginning and I know that I have a troubled history but I'm finally willing to change for the better. I would like access to the server merely as a means of indulging in my hobby that is linguistics. I am willing to go the extra mile, be helpful with in-depth explanations and help people with improving their accent.

Most importantly, I recognize that being a member of a public community entails certain responsibilities. I have realized that my past code of conduct has been strictly inexcusable and now I am finally ready to take the server seriously and leave out all the unnecessary off-topic banter. What I want to emphasize is that my past actions are in the distant past now and do not accurately reflect the type of person I am today.

I'm primarily asking for forgiveness for my own sake, because I know that I would greatly benefit from a space where I'm free to discuss and dissect language (the English language in particular) with other like-minded people. But, in all honesty, I think we can agree that giving me a second chance would be not just in mine but in everyone's best interest. I am truly sorry for all the pain and headache I've caused over the years, but when focusing on that it's easy to forget my innumerable contributions to the server. I think I deserve another chance.


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