Ban appeals posted on this forum/website will be disregarded from now on. Thank you!

Old Appeals Thread

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Joined: Fri Mar 20, 2020 12:42 am

Re: Appeals

Post by ElonMusk » Wed Jun 10, 2020 12:17 am

User ID and banned username: ElonMusk#8150 (My ID is 209284880989814785)

Ban reason: Advertising

I understand that if I receive another infraction after my unban, I may be banned again permanently with no chance of appeal.

Notes: I was talking with Orezia which I can't remember if I met on this server or another one but I simply asked if she would like to join my server. She said no so I didn't sent an invite link to her, or anyone else for that matter, but I was banned anyway. Reposting as I was ignored before.

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Joined: Fri Jun 12, 2020 6:33 pm

Re: Appeals

Post by Mardaton » Fri Jun 12, 2020 6:36 pm

bro u banned me too
My discord name is Mardaton#0042 and ı dont know why

Posts: 7
Joined: Fri May 15, 2020 4:28 am

Re: Appeals

Post by OliveOil1231 » Sun Jun 14, 2020 4:25 am

Hello, I am Scotland the Not Brave on the discord, but my actual discord name is Olive Oil.

Ban reason on my main account: (Ban Evasion)
Ban reason on my alt account (Trolling, Interrupting English Classes, and shitposting)

I understand that if I receive another infraction after my unban, I may be banned again permanently with no chance of appeal.

I was first muted for 2000 hours. Then, my alt account was banned (I was using my alt again before I was muted on my main account) for joining the English Class area. And I joined that discord chat because I genuinely thought that I could help people learn English (because that was what I was doing in the smaller chats days before. I was unaware that you would be banned when you join the English chat without permission. When I joined the chat, I said a confusing "hello". If that is interruption than I am sorry. Because I did not here anything. I also noticed how most of the people were muted, so I then left the chat and did not join any other chats. I then switched back to my main account to post some memes. The memes were not inappropriate or racist. And I posted 3-5 memes in the span of 10-15 minutes. I then stopped and did some school work, and then when I returned I was muted for 2000 minutes for shitposting. After that, I went on my alt account and found that I was banned, and was very confused and found that there was a link to this forum ( this is the very first forum I have ever been on) but I did not start writing an appeal, and first went on to the muted chat on my main account. I said that I was muted for shitposting, but I was mainly concerned about why my alt account was banned. So i said the name to a moderator ( he had a bunny profile pic) and then I said why was my alt account GuysBruhChain banned. He said that I was banned for joining the English Chat. And I was confused because i literally didn't do anything. My next response was telling them that I said hello, and if you get banned for that then I don't know what does. I then was quickly banned on my main account for Ban Evasion. So now I am banned on my main and my alt account.

I am sorry for shitposting. I know I might never be unbanned again. This is my first time being banned on this discord. I would just like to say I am sorry and I would never do it again. I realize that I might never be unbanned, and this ban appeal could be nothing. But I just really wanna get back on the discord and continue to teach people English. I also want to continue to meet people and talk to them about life, and what it is like living in a different country. I was so surprised that I met someone from Montenegro, like that is crazy. So I just want to apologize to all of the people who had to deal with me, especially the moderators in the muted chat when I was defending my alt account. I just really want to go back to the chats and continue meeting new people. Trust me, I have really changed throughout 7 days on not being in the discord.

Also if there is a way I can become a teacher on this discord, please notify me through discord. I can translate Spanish. I have taken 5 years of it.

Here are my accounts if you would like to unban them:
OliveOil #0082
GuysBruhChain #5283

Note: please respond. I have waited a week like you asked.

Posts: 5
Joined: Mon May 25, 2020 4:24 pm

Re: Appeals

Post by DennisTX » Tue Jun 16, 2020 3:53 pm

Username: DennisTX'#3194

Ban reason: I replied too many times.

Note: I was liking everyone comment in the hangout server, I did it about 20-25 times.

I understand that it was annoying and I won't ever do it again. I also understand that if so, I will get permanently banned with no chance of appeal.

I always made great use of the english classes and really liked the server.

PS: I saw that i did got an answer on my last appeal that I needed to send my discord name so you they could find me, I didn't notice it before so I was too late to answer, sorry for that.

Kind regards,


Posts: 5
Joined: Sat Feb 29, 2020 2:19 am

Re: Appeals

Post by Eliseo » Sat Jun 20, 2020 6:02 am

User ID : #3428

Ban reason: Maximum infraction count.

I understand that if I receive another infraction after my unban, I may be banned again permanently with no chance of appeal.

Notes: I truly respect this website and I appreciate the opportunity to appeal. I would like to say that sometimes when I'm in the chat I like to improve and practice my vocabulary and my pronunciation . I want to say I respect all the rules and I would like to have the opportunity to go back to the chat to improve my English conversation.

I want to say I respect all the rules and I would like to have the opportunity to go back to the chat to improve my English conversation. Thank you for your time and I apologize for Maximum infraction count. Thank you for your time and I hope you understand I really want to practice my English conversation and vocabulary.

Thank you for your time and I apologize for Maximum infraction count.

I hope I could enter again to the group and continue improve my English

Posts: 3
Joined: Sun Jun 21, 2020 12:16 pm

Re: Appeals

Post by styx3032 » Sun Jun 21, 2020 12:18 pm

User id: Kiwi#7435
Ban reason: trolling, calling Goker gay
Unban me please, I swear that I won't call Goker gay again and troll other people, who don't want it. Best regards, Raijin

Agent 47
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Joined: Fri Jun 05, 2020 12:49 pm

Re: Appeals

Post by Agent 47 » Mon Jun 22, 2020 11:02 pm

User ID and banned username : - 517068722720997378 | Agent 47
- Holy Baba Yaga #9093

Ban reason: - Racism
- Ban evasion

I understand that if I receive another infraction after my unban, I may be banned again permanently with no chance of appeal.

I am sorry , I know I hurt his feelings that day when I told him that racist word. I'm sure this embarrassed him, especially since all the server staff and members were present. I was wrong to treat him like this. If there is anything I can do to make up for this, please just tell me I will accept your decision. From now on, I promise you that i will respect all the members and the team and i will avoid misbehave them. I want you to ban me definitely if i do that again. I told the administrator -Ekko the truth when i have met him in a small room, and i add my alt-account .

My apologies,

Posts: 1
Joined: Tue Jun 23, 2020 1:30 pm

Re: Appeals

Post by Sn0bzy » Tue Jun 23, 2020 1:33 pm

User ID: 233609851584905216

Ban Reason: DM advertisement.

I reported a guy from server. He was advertising. But your moderator banned my account :)


Posts: 2
Joined: Tue Jun 23, 2020 5:28 pm

Re: Appeals

Post by Nikola#7287 » Tue Jun 23, 2020 5:40 pm

Discord ID:343045492885684235

Ban Reason:Flaming & Trolling others

I got banned on your server because i was stupid and just flamed everyone.I regret what i did and im sorry if i offended anyone.I promise if you unban me i wont do it again,you can trust me.

Posts: 1
Joined: Wed Jun 24, 2020 11:45 am

Re: Appeals

Post by Shinki » Wed Jun 24, 2020 12:02 pm

First of all, I'm not banned. I am permanently muted.

User ID and banned username: 723204056612470846 | Shinki#5675

Ban reason: I have been muted because I made weird sounds with my mic at some point.

I'm very sorry for the inconvenience. I'm sorry for what I did and I promise I won't do it again.
I understand that if I receive another infraction after my unban, I may be banned again permanently with no chance of appeal.

Notes: This was an alternative account at first. It has now become my primary account.
